When you need an economical, compact, and comfortable way to get around, your two main options are going to be motorcycles and scooters. But it can be difficult to figure out the most important differences between them, let alone which option is best for you. We here at Moroney’s Motorsports want to help make your purchase process a bit easier, so we’ve put together a brief guide on deciding between a motorcycle and scooter, below. To learn more, or to see the motorcycles and scooters we have for sale, contact our store in New Windsor, New York, today!

Primary Differences

First, what sets a motorcycle and scooter apart? Both are designed for riding on paved roads, but motorcycles have larger and more powerful engines ranging from 150-2,000+cc. Scooter engines are more often in the 50-250cc range. Motorcycles have many categories based on how they’re meant to be used, and each type has a slightly different seating position. Scooters are categorized by engine size and all tend to be upright-seating.

Scooter Benefits

More Affordable

One of the biggest pros for a scooter is the price tag. These are almost always cheaper up front than a motorcycle, and they tend to have lower insurance rates to boot. Scooters are typically ridden less often, for fewer miles, and in lower-risk situations, so insurance companies rate them as a relatively low risk.


Scooters are also much easier to control. Automatic transmission is fairly standard, and you don’t rely as much on body position for steering. The more compact frame also makes navigating traffic and tight spaces easier.

Motorcycle Benefits

Higher Speeds

As relaxing as scooter-riding can be, some of them can’t hit high enough speeds to navigate highways or even country roads. Motorcycles have more powerful engines, so you’re not limited to neighborhood and city driving. They’re also safer at higher speeds thanks to the longer wheelbase and larger tires.

More Options

With a wider range of potential engine sizes and power potentials, buying a motorcycle means having more options for exactly how much power you want. The varying types and builds also ensure you get a riding experience that truly matches your needs and wants, from bikes built for speed and power to bikes built for distance riding and more.

We hope this guide helps you land on the perfect vehicle for your riding needs! If you have any questions, or if you just want to see the motorcycles and scooters we have in our inventory for yourself, contact us at Moroney’s Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of Newburgh, New York—let us serve you today!