There’s nothing like crashing through dunes or splashing through mud on your ATV, but that tends to have a price. Even if your ATV handles everything perfectly, it’s coming home dirty, and that can actually lead to serious damage. We here at Moroney’s Motorsports want you to enjoy the mess without worrying about expensive repairs, so we’ve put together some tips on keeping your ATV clean, below. To learn more, or to see the ATVs we have for sale, contact our store in New Windsor, New York, today!


First, gather your supplies:

  • Hose.
  • Mud scraper.
  • Sponges.
  • Car/bike soap.
  • Bucket.
  • Stiff brush.
  • Air compressor.
  • Microfiber towels.

Park the ATV on pavement or gravel, and you’re ready to get started.


Any caked-on mud or dirt will need to soak, so spray it with the hose and let it sit for a few minutes. Once it has, grab your scraper and get as much of the buildup off as possible without scraping the paint. Spray it down again to rinse off any loose bits.

Scrub and Rinse

Next, get your sponges and soap and wipe down everything from the handlebars down, including the seat and wheels. Use a stiff brush to get in nooks and crannies.

Finally, rinse it off with a few passes with the hose to get all the soap and dirt off. Use the air compressor and microfiber towels to help get the drying process started, then let it air-dry in the sun.

We hope these tips help! For more information, or to see our ATV selection, contact us at Moroney’s Motorsports. We proudly serve the people of Newburgh, New York—let us serve you today!