How to Prevent a Motorcycle Crash
Here at Moroney’s Motorsports, we want all of our customers to be able to ride safely. Motorcycle crashes are usually avoidable, and yet they still happen almost every day. That’s why we’ve created this guide to preventing motorcycle crashes.
Improve Your Own Visibility
It’s important to maintain a clear line of sight while riding your motorcycle. Anything that impairs your vision will give you less time to recognize and react to hazards. If you’re riding at night, make sure that your headlights are fully functional. You might even choose to upgrade your headlights to LEDs. Make sure that your helmet shield or goggles have anti-fogging features. If your motorcycle has a windshield, keep it clean so that you’ll always be able to see through it.
Stay Visible
In addition to maintaining your own visibility, you should also take steps to make yourself more visible to others whenever you ride your bike. Nighttime rides can be especially dangerous since other motorists will have a harder time seeing you and they might not be paying as much attention as they do during the day. If you’re concerned about staying visible, wear some brightly-colored clothing or add reflective strips to your riding gear. You can also try riding in a group to make yourself easier to notice.
Keep Riding Skills Sharp
Motorcycles can be difficult to control. If you’re inexperienced or haven't ridden in several months, don’t be afraid to take things slow until you get a handle for controlling your bike. Don’t take unnecessary risks, and don’t be afraid to take a riding course if you need one.
Stay in Control of Your Motorcycle
Maintaining control of your motorcycle is important. Make sure that your motorcycle is a good fit for you in an ergonomic sense, as in not too heavy or too large to make riding difficult. Riding gloves can help you grip your bike’s control under adverse conditions. Be aware of how terrain and precipitation can affect your motorcycle’s handling, and be ready to respond to changing conditions.
Keep Your Motorcycle Maintained
A poorly maintained motorcycle may experience mechanical issues. In the worst case scenario, a sudden mechanical failure can lead to an accident. That’s part of the reason why sticking to your motorcycle’s maintenance schedule and bringing your bike in to get serviced if you notice anything wrong is so important. Keeping your motorcycle in good condition can go a long way towards helping you stay safe.
Shop motorcycles at Moroney Motorsports in New Windsor, New York. We also offer motorcycle servicing and parts. We’re proud to serve communities like Newburgh, New York, and we hope to see you soon!